Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank You Email

It has definitely been a while since we last spoke and i just want to let you know that few people come into one's life who dramatically define the person that you aspire to be. you are one of those individuals that have motivated and inspired me to really self evaluate myself and continue on this little quest called "growing up". Your unconditional support and guidance have served as a stepping stone to face life's challenges- the good, the bad and the ugly. I am currently teaching English overseas in Taiwan. After graduating from college i felt completely lost and uncertain what to do with my life. Shortly afterward i began bar backing and bartending for roughly 8 months. I had a great time doing it but i knew i was time to move on. Traveling, experiencing various cultures and languages first hand is what makes me happy, hence moving to Taiwan.

During my bartending phase entitled " Rude Awakening" i met a lot of interesting individuals with fascinating stories of faith, love and redemption, coincidentally it made me realize that the hardest part about growing up is being true to yourself. For example, a lot of people didn't understand why i wanted to bartend being a collegiate educated woman and all, but it was something that i had to do for myself.

I have been in Taiwan for about 3 weeks now, finally getting situated in my apartment and schedule of a busy adult who has to teach, pay bills and remember to feed herself.
This has definitely been a growing process, doing everything on my own.... from apartment searching, getting lost, slowly picking up the language, meeting completely random strangers who you think have nothing in common with you and making it into a rather engaging conversation, managing you money and knowing that your family and friends are 10, 000 thousand miles away can be overwhelming at times. Nonetheless i am determine to make the best of this experience by living, loving and learning one day at time.

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