Monday, February 18, 2008

I Don't Know

To not see anything, not even a future with you, makes me question why I hold onto you. It is a fatal attraction that drives me to shrug away my womanly pride. It is your deep and mysterious eyes that make me want to caress and take care of you, not knowing where I will go or what I will do. I often say, he something to not worry about.

But I know....

That every time I push him away, I love him more and more, and every time I shout, “I hate you!” I want to indulge in his everlasting scent that permeates my soul.
I do not claim to know what I would with or without you
I am smothered in a constant battle of “I love you” but “I really don’t know”

Its not knowing and wanting more....
Its tasting how good it could be...

I don’t know and I don’t want to know....
I don’t care and don’t hope to care.....
I don’t love you... but I really do.........

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