Monday, February 18, 2008

The Object of Every Man's Desire

The perfect location with the best tasting food, warm smiles and beautiful women. Gorgeous women blessed with charismatic smiles, petite bodies and the omen of being every man’s sexual desire. Old men, fat men with pepperoni nipples, married men coming on business trips, men not blessed with the same luck back home- come to Thailand. The people are extremely hospitable making sure that spoiled foreigners are catered to their every need. Who would blame the locals: necessity talks? Made slaves on their own island, forces to succumb to overnight resorts that replace what was once their native home. They are made workers of these extravagant resorts rather then the free spirits that they were born to be. Most natives will never be able to afford one night in these luxurious hotels and settle for being spectators while foreigners reap the benefits that Thailand has to offer: its rich culture, food, natural resources and more importantly the hospitality of their women.

Beautiful little girls at the ripe age of sixteen, destined to be good at quietly sitting next to a rich man, taking whatever she can get, eating whatever is given to her by him- eating the crumbs that he sprinkles onto her, and laughing when he laughs, as not to upset him. Who are these women and what went wrong? Why do they eat the petty food that he offers them as if it were gourmet? Why do they shut up, when he lifts his finger and signs…shhhhhh!

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