Monday, February 18, 2008

A Well Behaved Woman Doesn't Make History

As I lay in the stillness of my bed
My heart methodically beats and yearns to know?

Who will she be when she grows up?
Does growing up ever stop?

Desperately trying to subdue to everyone’s wishes
She looses herself in an abysmal of mayhem

Distraught and distressed are her symptoms.....

How will you tell them?
How will you let them know?

I am not who you think I am nor will I ever be!

She wants to fly.

“Quiere volar”

Reduced to subdue
Confined to a man
She yearns for freedom

To dance
To touch
To feel

Only in a way someone would know how to do if.........

She fell
She cried
Felt hopeless

Failed, failed again....failed better

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